Portable, Isolated Dev Environments on any Machine

Devbox creates isolated, reproducible development environments that run anywhere. No Docker containers or Nix lang required

Reproducible development environments wherever you go

Share your dev environment with your team, and run your project on any machine with the exact same packages and configuration
Isolated, Local Shells on any Machine
Start by defining a list of packages and scripts for your project, and Devbox builds an isolated dev environment. No Docker or virtual machines required.
100,000+ packages, powered by Nix
Devbox provides an approachable, intuitive interface for creating development environments with the Nix Package Manager, without the Nix language
Open Source and Community Driven
Devbox is an open-source project built by Jetify with support from the community. Join the core team and thousands of developers who love Devbox

How Devbox Works

devbox shell
Run your project in an isolated development shell
Just add the packages you need and start a Devbox shell. All your dependencies and packages in an isolated, ephemeral environment
Install over 400,000 package versions
Devbox provides a searchable index of over 400,000 versions of 80,000 packages powered by Nix, meaning you can find the exact package that you need
Isolated and reproducible development shells
Install multiple runtime and package versions on a single machine without Docker or a VM. Use your default tools and settings with no extra config.
Configure portable dev environments with an intuitive JSON config
Devbox creates an isolated development environment based on your devbox.json in one step. No Dockerfiles or Nix required
The same packages on any machine
Devbox lets you install and synchronize environments across your machines using Git. Eliminate developer onboarding and code from anywhere
Compose environments with Devbox Plugins
Share config and packages between projects with Devbox Plugins. Automate package config so developers can start coding instantly
  "packages": [
  "shell": {
    "init_hook": [
      "poetry install"
    "scripts": {
      "start": "poetry run python -m main.py",
      "test": "poetry run pytest"
  "include": [
devbox services up
Automate and scripts and services across your dev environment.
Devbox can do more than just bundle packages. You can also define and share scripts, services, and entire runbooks with a single JSON config
Orchestrate and manage services without Docker
Devbox can define and run your project's services with process-compose. Spin up your entire dev environment with a single command
Automate tasks within your shell or CI/CD
Devbox makes it easy to run scripts and tasks within the context of your shell. Run tasks in the same reproducible dev environment, locally or on your CI/CD system.
Reproducible, fast CI/CD environments on Github Actions with Devbox
Using Devbox keeps your CI/CD and development environments in sync and reproducible and fast.
One Action to setup your project on GHA
Use our Devbox Install Action to automatically configure Devbox, and install your packages. Your dev and CI environments will never diverge again.
Automatically Cache your Nix Store in CI
Devbox can cache your Nix store automatically with the Github Actions Cache, so your environment setup is almost instantaneous.
name: Test with Devbox

on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Install devbox
        uses: jetify-com/devbox-install-action@v0.9.0
          enable_cache: 'true'

      - name: Run a Test Script
        run: devbox run test
Export and run your project as a devcontainer or cloud dev env.
Your Devbox projects are fully portable, meaning you can run them locally, in a containerized environment, or on Jetify Devspace
Instant cloud based Dev Environments
Spin up your project in the cloud with Jetify Devspace. Try out Devspace using one of our Templates for free.
Export Dockerfiles or Devcontainers
Easily generate a container for your project, so you can run your dev environment on any platform that supports Docker containers.

Accelerate your Team with Jetify Cloud

Launch your projects as autoscaling services with Jetify Cloud
Jetify Cloud can deploy your Devbox project as an autoscaling web service. Define your project with either Devbox or Docker, and ship directly from Github.
Manage secrets across your shells
Jetify Secrets provides easy and secure Secrets Management that automatically works with your Devbox Shells and Jetify Deploys.
Jetify's Private and Prebuilt Caches can share binaries and packages across all your projects and deployments. Stop rebuilding and start shipping

Dev Environments for any Language

Get started with Devbox using one of our example projects. Get an isolated Python, NodeJS, Ruby, or Golang dev environment up and running on any operating system, or deploy a full Rails, PHP + Postgres, or Jekyll application anywhere


Trusted by Thousands of Developers

Devbox is trusted by thousands of developers, across a wide range of industries and use cases. Devbox can help your team, whether you're focused on cloud development, data science, or open source packaging
Our projects leverage Devbox to automate our dev environments. No more (outdated) getting started guides, missing dependencies, or "it works on my machine"... it runs anywhere including CI.
Mike Nikles
Founder, Webstone Technologies
With Devbox, it's been so easy to share developer environment with my instructors and other developers. They're truly portable and don't require Docker to run.
Tao Hansen
Developer Advocate, Garden.io
Onboarding new developers has never been easier and our CI/CD never looked cleaner. We highly recommend Devbox to any team looking to improve their development workflow.
George Antoniadis
Software Engineer, Nimona

Our projects leverage Devbox to automate our dev environments. No more (outdated) getting started guides, missing dependencies, or "it works on my machine"... it runs anywhere, including CI

Mike Nikles
Founder, Webstone Technologies

With Devbox it's been so easy to share developer environments with my instructors and other developers. They're truly portable and don't require Docker to run.

Tao Hansen
Developer Advocate, Garden.io

Power Up your Developer Productivity

Devbox helps solve your dev environment provisioning headaches, and keeps developers productive and focused on what matters.

Testing New Packages

Try new tools and frameworks without modifying your host machine. Install and run packages on demand, then delete the dev environment when finished.

Eliminate Toil

Automate the setup and package installation for your dev environment with init hooks. Bundle common development tasks into reusable scripts

Easy Preview Environments

Devbox bundles your configuration with code, so you can preview branches or pull-requests for any repo. You can run preview environments in the browser with Devbox Cloud

Instant Developer Onboarding

Ramp up and onboard new developers without complicated shell scripts or guides. Just install Devbox, run devbox shell, and get started coding

High Fidelity CI/CD Testing

Use Devbox to reproduce your test environment across localhost and CI/CD build hosts. Use Github Actions to create workflows from your scripts

Maintain multiple projects

Devbox tracks the packages for each of your projects in an isolated and reproducible Nix shell. Develop isolated projects with conflicting dependencies on the same machine.


Join the community

Discuss ideas, uses and builds with the Jetify team and others.
Building sophisticated developer tools and isolated environments for the next era of cloud development
© 2024 Jetify Inc. All rights reserved.
Jetify Inc., formerly Jetpack Technologies Inc., is not associated with, sponsored by, or related to WordPress and WooCommerce.